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Arrival and Dismissal Times?Morning Classes 8:30-11:30 Afternoon Classes 12:30-3:30 *If a parent is going to be detained, he/she should notify the school immediately so that the child can be reassured. There is an overtime charge of $10 after 10 minutes. If saving 10 minutes means risking an accident, please drive safely— and plan differently next time. Consistently picking up late will be cause for dismissal.
Authorization to Pick-up Child?No child shall be released to a person not authorized by a parent to pick up the child. There must be written or verbal authorization from an authorized guardian. Once authorization is given, a picture I.D. will be required upon picking up the child.
How many children are in each class?There are 10 children in each classroom with 1 teacher. We have four classes going on in each session.
Items to Bring to School?Backpack: It is possible that your child could have a potty accident. Please leave a pair of underwear, pants, and socks in your child’s backpack. Provide your child with a sturdy backpack to transport all those precious projects and notes home. Also, check that backpack every day for important information! *Bring a Waterbottle each day *Provide jackets, hats, mittens, etc. when needed.
School Closings?Inclement Weather: When Lincoln Public Schools announces a school cancellation due to inclement weather, Wee Wisdom will also be closed. Funerals: In the rare event that school would be cancelled due to a funeral being held at the church, every effort will be made to notify all affected families at least 24 hours in advanced. *No make-up days or tuition reimbursement will be given in such cases.
Tuition Information?A non-refundable Registration Fee of $75 for Preschool Class or for the Academy Class must accompany all student Registrations. This registration fee also covers the cost of the field trips and field trip shirt. There are a few occasional fees that vary with Picture Day, Graduation, etc. These will be announced in advance. Current Monthly Tuition Fee (Aug 2024-May 2025): Tuition is due the first week of school in August and then it is due the 15th of each month thereafter. The last payment is due on April 15th . $185 is applied to students enrolled for 2 three-hour sessions/week (Tues, Thurs) $225 is applied to students enrolled for 3 three-hour sessions/week (Mon, Wed, Fri). $365 is applied to students enrolled for 5 three-hour sessions/week (Mon-Fri) Tuition is payable by 1 of 2 payment plans: Payment Plan #1: With this plan, tuition is paid monthly and is due on the 15th of each month. Payment Plan #2: With this plan tuition is paid for the entire school year up front. This option expires on October 7 of each school year for that year. A 2% discount is given with Payment Plan #2. The amount owed can be figured by multiplying the monthly tuition fee by nine, and subtracting 2% off of the total. Payment Methods: Check: Place in box on top of cubbies. There will be a $25 fee for returned checks. Cash: Put in an envelope with your name on it and place in the box on top of the cubbies. Automatic Withdrawal: Fill out bank form and return to office with a voided check attached. This transaction will occur on the 15th of each month. This is a safe, secure, and easy way to pay! We do not accept credit cards. (Receipts for payments are available upon request) For Late Tuition… At 8 days late, a written reminder will be given and a $15 fee will be assessed. At 20 days late, a verbal reminder will be given. At 30 days late, termination will result for non-payment. For the month of May, any student with an outstanding bill will not graduate. Discounts: Wee Wisdom offers discount privileges: A 10% discount may be taken for siblings enrolled simultaneously. This is deducted from the monthly tuition for the younger child. A 5% discount may be taken for Full-time licensed ministers. A 2% discount may be taken when utilizing Payment Plan #2 for tuition payment. *Families receiving a discount may only receive one of the discounts above.
Sick Child?Wee Wisdom requires the exclusion of any child who has any illness associated with a fever or any communicable condition such as diarrhea, ringworm, impetigo, head lice, pinkeye, and scabies. If a parent refuses to exclude his/her child, he/she must provide a written statement from a physician indicating that the child’s illness/condition is not highly communicable. Keep Your Child Home if he/she: has a fever of 100 or more or has had one during the previous 24 hours. has a cold. has a heavy nasal discharge. has a constant cough. is fussy, cranky, or just not themselves. is overly tired. Rest in such cases may prevent the development of serious illness. has symptoms of a possible communicable disease. These are usually sniffles, reddened eyes, sore throat, headache, abdominal pain, and a fever. Please notify Wee Wisdom at once if the child does have a communicable disease. He/She May Come to School: If his/her cold is over, but he/she still has a minor nasal drip. If he/she has been exposed to a communicable disease, but Wee Wisdom has been notified so that the incubation period can be discussed and it can be determined on what dates he/she should stay home.
Parent Participation?Parental classroom assistance is a key component of the Wee Wisdom program. There are always a wide range of "helps" needed. Any guardian willing to help is encouraged to do so! We could not do it all without you. Parents can help: Family Fun Night - Fundraiser Help in Classroom Help on Special Activity Days Help with Crafts Refer Future Students Minor Repairs Other ideas...please share! * To help in the class/with children, you must complete the background check first and have it approved.
Field Trips?Field Trips give us unique opportunities for learning. Approximately 2 field trips are planned each year for your child's benefit. Due to State Regulations that we cannot transport the children, we will not have school on the days that we schedule a field trip. If you would like to have your child attend the field trip that we provide, you will need to bring your child or have someone bring them for you and you or they are responsible for them the whole time.
School Programs?Every year the children have a Christmas Program and an End of the Year Program *Days and Times to be announced

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