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COVID Procedures

Our decisions are based upon DHHS Protocols/Procedures as our license and procedures come from them.  We are also keeping an eye on what other schools are doing because we know that affects families with older children.


Our Procedures may change during the year as changes occur in our community and with DHHS. We will keep you up to date via email if changes need to be made.  Please make sure to keep your information up to date with us so we may contact you as needed.  If you find you are not receiving our emails, please let us know. 


Below is the information for our procedures. 

Wee Wisdom Preschool COVID-19 Protocol Updated 2022 - 2023

  1. Mask wearing will be your choice for you and your child(ren), unless there is a Mask Mandate in place.  If your child is exposed to Covid in the classroom they may need to quarantine or wear a mask (see more detailed info below).


  2.  Have your child wash their hands before entering their classroom or use hand sanitizer at entrance to classroom.  


  3.   Make sure you bring your child to preschool when they are well. 


Symptoms to watch for in children under 12 (which may show up 2-14 days after exposure to virus) according to the

CDC (Center for Disease Control and updated July 9, 2021) are as follows:

  • Fever/Chills (Temp of 100.4 degrees F or higher)

  • Sore throat

  • Fatigue, muscle or body aches

  • Congestion or runny nose

  • New loss of taste or smell

  • New uncontrolled cough that may cause difficulty breathing (for children with chronic allergic/asthmatic cough, see if there is a change from their usual cough)

  • Diarrhea, vomiting, or stomachache

  • New onset of severe headache, especially with fever 


If a child has any of these symptoms, please communicate this to us immediately and do not bring your child to preschool. We realize your child may have one or a few of these symptoms and not have COVID-19.  Please monitor your child closely, and bring your child to preschool when healthy (has not had a fever above 100 degrees or vomited for 24 hours and other symptoms have improved OR if tested positive for COVID-19, after

  • 5 days from Covid positive test (so day 6 at earliest)

  • 24 hours with no fever without the use of fever-reducing medications and

  • Other symptoms of COVID-19 are improving

More Specific Protocols from DHHS:

Each situation can be different, please communicate with Kim or Jan for your specific situation.

Close Contact – Quarantine

  • An individual identified as a close contact exposure to a positive COVID-19 case and who DOES NOT have symptoms must wear a face covering for 10 days while around others, including at school and during activities.

  • Individuals who have an on-going high-risk exposure to a positive COVID-19 case who is unable to isolate (i.e. a household contact who lives with them) should REMAIN AT HOME until the positive person completes 5 days of isolation. If the close contact individual does not have symptoms, they can return to school as long as they wear a face covering around others for 10 days after the 5 day isolation.

  • After being identified as a close contact, if symptoms develop at any time during the 10 day period the individual must stay home and be tested using a PCR test.

  • If an individual cannot wear a face covering, then they MUST be excluded from school and activities for the full 10 days. The individual may return after the 10th day if no symptoms develop.

Positive for COVID-19 – Isolation

For students who test positive, families need to contact the Wee Wisdom office to determine next steps and when they can return to school.  

  • If an individual tests positive for COVID-19, they need to stay home for 5 days from the date the sample was collected.

  • If the COVID-19 positive individual DOES NOT have symptoms or if symptoms are resolving, they can return on day 6 but must wear a face covering for an additional 5 days.

  • If an individual cannot wear a face covering, then they MUST be excluded from school and activities for the full 10 days.


Wee Wisdom Health and Safety Protocol 

  • We will be using a professional cleaning surface each weekday evening and Sunday evening before school week starts again. 

  • Each child will bring their own water bottle/container with name on it. 

  • Classroom doors will be open 5 minutes early to help stagger pick up and relieve congestion in our hallways.   


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